
ChampSim is primarily exhibited in

  • Nathan Gober, Gino Chacon, Lei Wang, Paul V. Gratz, Daniel A. Jiménez, Elvira Teran, Seth Pugsley, and Jinchun Kim. The championship simulator: architectural simulation for education and competition. 2022. arXiv:2210.14324.

Other publications that use ChampSim for their results are listed below:

  • Gino Chacon, Nathan Gober, Krishnendra Nathella, Paul V. Gratz, and Daniel A. Jiménez. A characterization of the effects of software instruction prefetching on an aggressive front-end. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 61–70. IEEE, 5 2020.

  • Nathan Gober, Gino Chacon, Daniel A. Jiménez, and Paul V. Gratz. Temporal ancestry prefetcher. In Seth Pugsley, Alaa Alameldeen, Muawya Al-otoom, and Huiyang Zhou, editors, The First Instruction Prefetching Championship. IEEE, 5 2020.

  • Daniel A. Jiménez, Gino Chacon, Nathan Gober, and Paul V. Gratz. Barca: branch agnostic region searching algorithm. In Seth Pugsley, Alaa Alameldeen, Muawya Al-otoom, and Huiyang Zhou, editors, The First Instruction Prefetching Championship. IEEE, 5 2020.

  • Eshan Bhatia, Gino Chacon, Seth Pugsley, Elvira Teran, Paul V. Gratz, and Daniel A. Jiménez. Perceptron-based prefetch filtering. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 1–13. Phoenix, Arizona, 6 2019. IEEE. doi:10.1145/3307650.3322207.

  • Samuel Pakalapati and Biswabandan Panda. Bouquet of instruction pointers: instruction pointer classifier-based spatial hardware prefetching. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 118–131. Phoenix, Arizona, 6 2019. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISCA45697.2020.00021.

  • Jinchun Kim, Seth H. Pugsley, Paul V. Gratz, A.L. Narasimha Reddy, Chris Wilkerson, and Zeshan Chishti. Path confidence based lookahead prefetching. In MICRO-49: The 49th Annual IEEE\ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery, 10 2016. doi:10.1109/MICRO.2016.7783763.