Core Model¶
class O3_CPU : public champsim::operable¶
struct branch_module_concept¶
Subclassed by O3_CPU::branch_module_model< Bs >
template<typename ...Bs>
struct branch_module_model : public O3_CPU::branch_module_concept¶
struct btb_module_concept¶
Subclassed by O3_CPU::btb_module_model< Ts >
template<typename ...Ts>
struct btb_module_model : public O3_CPU::btb_module_concept¶
struct dib_shift¶
struct branch_module_concept¶
template<typename B = core_builder_module_type_holder<>, typename T = core_builder_module_type_holder<>>
class core_builder : public champsim::detail::core_builder_base¶ Public Functions
self_type &clock_period(champsim::chrono::picoseconds clock_period_)¶
Specify the core’s clock period.
self_type &dib_set(std::size_t dib_set_)¶
Specify the number of sets in the Decoded Instruction Buffer.
self_type &dib_way(std::size_t dib_way_)¶
Specify the number of ways in the Decoded Instruction Buffer.
self_type &dib_window(std::size_t dib_window_)¶
Specify the size of the window within which Decoded Instruction Buffer entries are equivalent.
self_type &ifetch_buffer_size(std::size_t ifetch_buffer_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the instruction fetch buffer.
self_type &decode_buffer_size(std::size_t decode_buffer_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the decode buffer.
self_type &dispatch_buffer_size(std::size_t dispatch_buffer_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the dispatch buffer.
self_type &dib_hit_buffer_size(std::size_t dib_hit_buffer_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the DIB hit buffer.
self_type ®ister_file_size(std::size_t register_file_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the physical register file.
self_type &rob_size(std::size_t rob_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the reorder buffer.
self_type &lq_size(std::size_t lq_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the load queue.
self_type &sq_size(std::size_t sq_size_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the store queue.
self_type &fetch_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type fetch_width_)¶
Specify the width of the instruction fetch.
self_type &decode_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type decode_width_)¶
Specify the width of the decode.
self_type &dispatch_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type dispatch_width_)¶
Specify the width of the dispatch.
self_type &schedule_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type schedule_width_)¶
Specify the width of the scheduler.
self_type &execute_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type execute_width_)¶
Specify the width of the execution.
self_type &lq_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type lq_width_)¶
Specify the width of the load issue.
self_type &sq_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type sq_width_)¶
Specify the width of the store issue.
self_type &retire_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type retire_width_)¶
Specify the width of the retirement.
self_type &dib_inorder_width(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type dib_inorder_width_)¶
Specify the maximum size of the DIB inorder width.
self_type &mispredict_penalty(unsigned mispredict_penalty_)¶
Specify the reset penalty, in cycles, that follows a misprediction. Note that this value is in addition to the cost of restarting the pipeline, which will depend on the number of instructions inflight at the time when the misprediction is detected.
self_type &decode_latency(unsigned decode_latency_)¶
Specify the latency of the decode.
self_type &dispatch_latency(unsigned dispatch_latency_)¶
Specify the latency of dispatch.
self_type &schedule_latency(unsigned schedule_latency_)¶
Specify the latency of the scheduler.
self_type &execute_latency(unsigned execute_latency_)¶
Specify the latency of execution.
self_type &dib_hit_latency(unsigned dib_hit_latency_)¶
Specify the latency of execution.
self_type &l1i(CACHE *l1i_)¶
Specify a pointer to the L1I cache. This is only used to transmit branch triggers for prefetcher branch hooks.
self_type &l1i_bandwidth(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type l1i_bw_)¶
Specify the instruction cache bandwidth.
self_type &l1d_bandwidth(champsim::bandwidth::maximum_type l1d_bw_)¶
Specify the data cache bandwidth.
self_type &fetch_queues(champsim::channel *fetch_queues_)¶
Specify the downstream queues to the instruction cache.
self_type &data_queues(champsim::channel *data_queues_)¶
Specify the downstream queues to the data cache.
template<typename ...Bs>
core_builder<core_builder_module_type_holder<Bs...>, T> branch_predictor()¶ Specify the branch direction predictor.
template<typename ...Ts>
core_builder<B, core_builder_module_type_holder<Ts...>> btb()¶ Specify the branch target predictor.
self_type &clock_period(champsim::chrono::picoseconds clock_period_)¶