Configuration API

ChampSim uses an initial configuration step, written in Python, to parse the JSON configuration file into C++ files for building. The configuration mechanism can be used programmatically, as a Python module.

Parsing API

config.parse.parse_config(*configs, module_dir=None, branch_dir=None, btb_dir=None, pref_dir=None, repl_dir=None, compile_all_modules=False, verbose=False)

This is the main parsing dispatch function. Programmatic use of the configuration system should use this as an entry point.

  • configs – The configurations given here will be joined into a single configuration, then parsed. These configurations may be simply the result of parsing a JSON file, although the root should be a JSON object.

  • module_dir – A directory to search for all modules. The structure is assumed to follow the same as the ChampSim repository: branch direction predictors are under branch/, replacement policies under replacement/, etc.

  • branch_dir – A directory to search for branch direction predictors

  • btb_dir – A directory to search for branch target predictors

  • pref_dir – A directory to search for prefetchers

  • repl_dir – A directory to search for replacement policies

  • compile_all_modules – If true, all modules in the given directories will be compiled. If false, only the module in the configuration will be compiled.

  • verbose – Print extra verbose output

File Generation API

The file generation API contains two interfaces: a high-level interface with config.filewrite.FileWriter, and a low-level interface with config.filewrite.Fragment. Users should prefer the high-level interface where possible. The low-level interface may provide greater flexibility when needed, for example a more parallel application.

class config.filewrite.FileWriter(bindir_name=None, objdir_name=None, makedir_name=None, verbose=False)

This class maintains the state of one or more configurations to be written.

This class provides a context manager interface over a set of Fragments, and is more convenient for general use.

  • bindir_name – The default directory for binaries if none is given to write_files().

  • objdir_name – The default directory for object files if none is given to write_files().


This function forms one half of the context manager interface

__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

This function terminates the context manager and calls finish().


Write all accumulated configurations to their files.

write_files(parsed_config, bindir_name=None, srcdir_names=None, objdir_name=None, makedir_name=None)

Accumulate the results of parsing a configuration into the File Writer. Parameters passed here will override parameters given in the constructor

  • parsed_config – the result of parsing a configuration file

  • bindir_name – the directory in which to place the binaries

  • srcdir_name – the directory to search for source files

  • objdir_name – the directory to place object files

static write_fragments(*fragments)

Write out a set of prepared fragments.

class config.filewrite.Fragment(fileparts=None)

Examines the given config and prepares to write the needed files.

Programs may use this class for fine-grained control of when and how files are written.

static from_config(parsed_config, bindir_name=None, srcdir_names=None, objdir_name=None, makedir_name=None, verbose=False)

Produce a sequence of Fragments from the result of parse.parse_config().

  • parsed_config – the result of parsing a configuration file

  • bindir_name – the directory in which to place the binaries

  • srcdir_name – the directory to search for source files

  • objdir_name – the directory to place object files

  • makedir_name – the directory to place makefiles

static join(*frags)

Merge multiple Fragments into one.


Write the internal series of fragments to file.

Utility Functions

System operations

ChampSim’s configuration makes frequent use of sequences of dictionaries. The following functions operate on a system, a dictionary whose values are dictionaries.

config.util.iter_system(system, name, key='lower_level')

Iterate through a dictionary system.

The system is organized as a dictionary of { c[‘name’]: c } for all c. Starting at the given name, generate a path through the system, traversing by the given key. Loops are not allowed, each element may be visited at most once.

  • system – the system to be iterated through

  • name – the key to start at

  • key – the key that points to the next element


Collect a sequence of sequences of dictionaries by their ‘name’ parameter. Earlier parameters have priority over later parameters.

config.util.upper_levels_for(system, name, key='lower_level')

List all elements of the system who have the given element name under the given key.

  • system – the system to be iterated through

  • name – the key to start at

  • key – the key that points to the next element

config.util.propogate_down(path, key)

Propogate the value of a key down a path of dictionaries. Later elements inherit the value from earlier elements, unless they have one themselves.

  • path – an iterable of dictionary values

  • key – they dictionary key to propogate

Itertools extentions

The following functions are extentions of the itertools package.

config.util.collect(iterable, key_func, join_func)

Perform the “sort->groupby” idiom on an iterable, grouping according to the join_func.

config.util.batch(it, n)

A backport of itertools.batch().

config.util.sliding(iterable, n)

A backport of itertools.sliding()

config.util.cut(iterable, n=-1)

Split an iterable into a head and a tail. The head should be completely consumed before the tail is accesssed.

  • iterable – An iterable

  • n – The length of the head or, if the value is negative, the length of the tail.

config.util.do_for_first(func, iterable)

Evaluate the function for the first element in the iterable and yield it. Then yield the rest of the iterable.

config.util.append_except_last(iterable, suffix)

Concatenate a suffix to each element of the iterable except the last one.

config.util.multiline(long_line, length=1, indent=0, line_end=None)

Split a long string into lines with n words

config.util.yield_from_star(gen, args, n=2)

Python generators can return values when they are finished. This adaptor yields the values from the generators and collects the returned values into a list.

Dictionary Operations

ChampSim frequently operates on dictionaries, so these functions are provided as convenience functions.


Combine two or more dictionaries. Values that are dictionaries are merged recursively. Values that are lists are joined.

Dictionaries given earlier in the parameter list have priority.

>>> chain({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 })
{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }
>>> chain({ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 2 })
{ 'a': 1 }
>>> chain({ 'd': { 'a': 1 } }, { 'd': { 'b': 2 } })
{ 'd': { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } }

dicts – the sequence to be chained

config.util.subdict(whole_dict, keys, invert=False)

Extract only the given keys from a dictionary. If they keys are not present, they are not defaulted.

config.util.extend_each(lhs, rhs)

For two dictionaries whose values are lists, join the values that have the same key.

config.util.explode(value, in_key, out_key=None)

Convert a dictionary with a list member to a list with dictionary members. :param value: the dictionary to be extracted :param in_key: the key holding the list :param out_key: the key to distinguish the resulting list elements

config.parse.duplicate_to_length(elements, count)

Duplicate an array of elements, truncating if the sequence is longer than the count

>>> duplicate_to_length([1,2,3], 6)
>>> duplicate_to_length([1,2], 5)
>>> duplicate_to_length([1,2,3,4], 3)
  • elements – the sequence of elements to be duplicated

  • count – the final length

config.parse.extract_element(key, *parents)

Extract a certain key from the series of parents, returning the merged keys. Keys whose values are not dictionaries are ignored.

>>> a = { 'key': { 'internal': 1 } }
>>> b = { 'key': { 'internal': 2 } }
>>> extract_element('key', a, b)
{ 'internal': 1 }
>>> c = { 'key': { 'other': 1 } }
>>> extract_element('key', a, c)
{ 'internal': 1, 'other': 1 }
>>> d = { 'key': 'foo' }
>>> extract_element('key', a, c, d)
{ 'internal': 1, 'other': 1 }

If one or more of the parents contains a ‘name’ key, the result will contain a ‘name’ key with value ‘{parent[“name”]}_{key}’.

  • key – the key to extract

  • parents – the dictionaries to extract from